H.C Building & Contstuction Phoenix Sports & Culture Club (Phoenix SCC) is a newly established, not-for-profit organistion with a mission to improve life outcomes of Australians by promoting a healthy and active lifestyle and encouraging sporting participation and community engagement. The club encourages cultural immersion and fosters social and emotional wellbeing, job readiness, education and training opportunities through sports and recreation.
In October 2019, Phoenix SCC partnered with the Torres Strait Youth & Recreational Sporting Association to deliver a well received 'Ballin with the Balaz' Tour. The club utilised Ambassadors, Deba George and Tamuri Wigness to deliver basketball clinics across several communities within the Torres Strait Islands.
In Oct-Nov 2019 Phoenix SCC entered 5 netball teams (2 senior & 3 junior) into the Cairns Netball Summer Competition with the A Grade team winning the competition and all other teams finishing high on the ladder. 2020 will see a minimum of 7 teams entered into the winter competition.
In Nov-Dec 2019 Phoenix SCC entered a team in the AFL9s competition going through with 7 wins and 1 loss. The team boasted current St George Dragons NRL player Korbin Sims and former Cairns Taipans player Kerry Williams.
In December 2019, Phoenix SCC entered 4 teams into the Australian Indigenous Basketball (AIB) National Tournament held in Cairns. The Pheonix U17 boys and Open Women's team won silver medals playing against teams from across Australia. Phoenix SCC president Andrew Moke described the carnival as "an opportunity for the First Nations people of Australia to collaborate, showcase and represent their community, culture, family and people through basketball".
2020 will be an exciting year for Phoenix SCC partnering with Cairns Safer Streets SPAYC & PLACE launching Taggin in the Streetz & Nettin the Streetz for term 1 at Shang Park, Mooroobool. This provides kids an opportunity to participate in free games and activities.